Here’s What You Should Know About The NT-ProBNP Test Kit And How It Can Help Detect Heart Failure

If you're worried that you might be suffering from heart failure, an NT-proBNP test is a reliable diagnostic tool that can let you know for sure in minutes. An NT-proBNP test kit includes all the essential items that are needed for collecting and testing a sample, and many of these test kits can provide accurate results in minutes. You'll be more informed about how the NT-proBNP test kit works and how it can let you know if you have heart failure after you've read these important facts.

Test a small blood sample.

High levels in NT-proBNP can be detected in blood, plasma and serum, but a small blood sample is usually all that's needed for the test. The test can detect whether high levels of the NT-proBNP non-active prohormone are present, which often occurs when the heart's left ventricle has difficulty pumping enough blood because of heart failure. Once the sample is placed in the appropriate area on the test cartridge, you'll wait a few minutes to see if a line appears in the test line region, which may mean that your NT-proBNP levels are too high.

Tests may detect both heart failure and congestive heart failure.

An NT-proBNP test kit can be useful for detecting both early-stage and more advanced cases of heart failure. If early-stage heart failure is detected from your test, you and your doctor can take steps to possibly reverse the condition or at least slow its progression. Heart failure that is more advanced, which is often referred to as congestive heart failure, may also be confirmed with a test, and treatments can be started right away to prevent a heart attack and also possibly treat the condition.

The test result can indicate how high your NT-proBNP levels are exactly.

If your NT-proBNP levels are high enough to indicate heart failure, a line will appear in the test line region, but how dark or light the color of the line is should also be noted. A darker-colored line likely means that your NT-proBNP levels are especially high and could mean that you have a more advanced stage of heart disease.

You might also have heart failure if your NT-proBNP levels are too low.

If a line doesn't show in the test line region, your NT-proBNP levels might be normal or too low. If the doctor believes that your NT-proBNP levels are lower than normal based on the test result and other indicators, further testing may be recommended to determine if you have heart failure. Abnormally low levels of the prohormone are sometimes seen in overweight patients or people who take certain medications, but early-stage ischemic heart failure can also lower NT-proBNP levels.

The best way to know if you have heart disease is to get tested. An NT-proBNP test kit can offer a faster and easier way to detect heart disease, and this diagnostic tool may help save your life. 
